Should you rent when you first move here?
Some families will look to rent in the short term when they first move to #NovaScotia. Here’s some essential information and points to consider. #Canada
Some families will look to rent in the short term when they first move to #NovaScotia. Here’s some essential information and points to consider. #Canada
New VLOG: Don’t forget these extra costs if you are moving to #NovaScotia with children. #Canada
New VLOG: What’s Your Why? ##NovaScotia #Canada #immigrating
New VLOG: healthcare in #NovaScotia and why you need to apply for your health card as soon as you arrive ?? #Canada
I’m being a typical #Brit and discussing the weather in today’s Vlog. What does Winter 2017 hold in store for us here in #NovaScotia ? ☀️?⛄️?
New Vlog: Moving to #NovaScotia with teens. Is there enough to do?
(ps. ignore my post yoga workout clothes and beads of sweat ?)
On today’s vlog, Rich will give you an insight into the home buying process in #Canada.
On today’s vlog: 5 reasons why we LOVE living in #NovaScotia
When moving to #Canada, the province you choose will determine your lifestyle. Here’s the first part of our story……